Helpful and Useful

Helpful and Useful

    Since there are sixteen years of experience behind the first Robert Muller School, following are some publications recommended by the Staff:

World Core Curriculum

  +  The World Core Curriculum -- Foundations and Implementation (New, 1999)       $35.00

  +  The World Core Curriculum Journal, Volume I       $35.00

  +  DVD on Global Education in The Robert Muller School       $25.00

  +  The Whole-Brain Diagram (1980/1981 Implemented Units)       $4.00

Infant Brain Development Curriculum

  +  Balanced Beginnings -- If you are working with new parents or babies, nothing equals this program as a foundation during pregnancy and the first three years!       $250.00 (plus insurance for $250, and priority USPS mail for 11 lb package from your zip code in U.S.)

Elementary/Middle School Model United Nations

  +  The Delegation Handbook for the Global Elementary Model United Nations (GEMUN)       $10.00

  +  DVD on GEMUN       $10.00

Group Work

  +  The Fires of Group Work, Successful Passage       $5.00

All of the above publications are available through

The Robert Muller School International Coordinating Center
6005 Royaloak Drive
Arlington, Texas, 76016 USA

(Prices do not include postage and handling, and must be for US dollars. MC and Visa no longer accepted.)

Please send questions or comments to The School of Ageless Wisdom.

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