Basis of Philosophy

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The School exists as a vehicle for some of those who are attracted to the study and application, respectively, of the Cosmology and Teaching of the Ageless Wisdom in a group setting. The Ageless Wisdom consists of that vast body of written and unwritten material available to humanity throughout all time, relating to certain fundamental laws of the Universe which underlie all cultural, political, religious, philosophic, artistic and scientific thought and human existence in general.

Well known writings pertaining to such laws and Philosophy were produced by Helena P. Blavatsky in "The Secret Doctrine" made public in the 1800's. These writings relate to processes of LIFE reaching throughout our Solar System and beyond.

In relation to our planet and humanity, the evolutionary processes include Life, Consciousness and Forms of everything that has ever existed therein. Throughout Systemic history, human beings evolve through a process of incarnation into human form and reincarnation is a part of this complicated process. The Ageless Wisdom Teachings are a full examination of this Philosophy, beginning as a working hypothesis, moving into experiment and experience, so the individual understands and has a conscious grasp of the individual's place in the evolutionary scheme.

Throughout time there have been many who have passed through the human stage into the place of Synthesis as Being. These Holy Ones are referred to as “Masters of Wisdom.” A few of these Masters have cooperated to produce writings for the part of humanity considered developed enough to use the knowledge in furthering their own, and especially assisting the planetary evolution into eventual spiritual perfection of all relationships.

Three of these Masters are known as the Tibetan Master, D.K.(Djwhal Khul), the Master Morya, and Master Racockzi. These are the specific Teachings studied in the School of Ageless Wisdom. It is only through study, meditation and application that the Truths presented can be realized in the consciousness and life of students.

The specific books we study are published by The Lucis Trust, The Agni Yoga Society and Wisdom Impressions Publications.

The School has existed since 1977 as a non-profit, 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Texas Corporation. Our IRS ID is 75-1538044. We charge no fees for our classes and no Staff member receives a salary. All support for the School comes from voluntary, unsolicited Contributions.

Throughout the years of our existence, as a result of study, several Service Activities have come about which are described in detail on this website.

Quote from Djwhal Khul

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